How can I create
a customer account?
Which services are included in a Domain-registration?
Where can I renew
my domain name?
What is the maximum renewal period for a domain name?
my domain/s be renewed automatically?
Will I
receive a renewal-confirmation?
What is a domain-transfer?
How long does
a domain-transfer take?
How can I start
a domain-transfer?
What is an authorization
Where can I find
the authorization code for my domain name?
What do I have to do in case of a failed or canceled transfer?
Domainconfiguration in the Web-Client
How can I enter URL
How can I configure Email-Forwarding?
Update Whois
Update/Register Nameservers
How can I lock my domains?
Which methods
of payment do we offer?
Problems by using the
credit card
I need an Invoice
How can I create a customer account?
In the customer login field on our website you have the possibility of signing up
as a new customer even without registering a domain. With this information you can
log onto your customer-online-interface at and check the status
of your domain registrations, view your pre-registrations, modify your personal
and payment data and configure your domain.
Which services are included in a Domain-registration?
Communigal offers their customers extra service when registering a domain. The following
features are included in a domain registration:
- The simple Administration and Real-Time-Configuration of the domains in your personal
- The possibility of entering your IP-Address or Namserver -URL-Forwarding (Redirect
or Masq-Redirect)
- Specified Email-Forwarding to 5 different Email-Addresses, as well as one "Catch-All"-Address.
- Use of your own Mailserver -WHOIS-Update at any time, no matter how often
- The possibility of entering as many Sub-Level-Domains as you wish
- DNS-Hosting
- Email and Telephone support
Where can I renew my domain name?
Your domain name can simply be renewed by yourself in your webinterface under "RENEW".
Here you have go the option to renew your domain name before it expires or immediately.
What is the maximum renewal period for a domain name?
This depends on the respective domain name. Gernerally generic domains (com/net/org/info/biz)
can be renewed from 1 up to 10 years. de and and eu Domains can only be renewed
for one further year.
Will my domain/s be renewed automaticaly?
Basically, all domains will be renewed automatically in case that your credit card
is entered and valid or that you have an automatically way of payment choosen. This
applies also to a positive account balance on your online payment account.
Will I receive a renewal-confirmation?
Yes, after each Domain-Renewal you will receive a renewal confirmation through Email.
What is a domain-transfer?
A domain-transfer means moving a domain name from one domain-registrar to another.
Unfortunately not every domain name can be transfered. After you have logged into account with your username and Password you can start a transfer by
clicking on TRANSFER Link:
How long does a domain-transfer take?
Basically a domain-transfer takes up to one week, but there are differences between
the respective domains. In case of gerneric Transfers such as com/net/org/info/biz
(also 5 days) In order to initiate the transfer for this domain, we need
the respective Authorisation Code, which can be obtained from the current registrar.
Our system will automatically ask you to enter the Authorisation Code after you
have entered the domain for transfer. The transfer can only be processed with a
valid authorisation code.
How can I start a domain-transfer?
- Login your account using your username and password and click on TRANSFER
- Please enter into the respective field the domain you wish to transfer. (one domain
per line, without "www" and a maximum of 50 Domains per transaction)
- Confirm with "SUBMIT"
- When transfering com/net/info/org/info/biz/name Domains you will see an additional
fields, where you must enter the Authorisation Code which can be obtained from the
current registrar.
- After the transfer has been successfully initiated, then our system send a confirmation
email to the Owner/Admin-C according to WHOIS of the respective domain. In order
to further process this transfer it is important, that this email gets confirmed.
After this has been completed, then the losing registrar will receive the transfer
request. The losing registrar will also send an email to the Owner/Admin-C. allowing
him/her to deny the transfer. If you do not respond to the email from the losing
registrar, then the transfer will get processed successfully after 5 days.
IMPORTANT: - If the Email-Address in the WHOIS is invalid, then the transfer
cannot be processed. If this is the case, then kindly contact your current registrar
and ask him to update the WHOIS information accordingly. You can only transfer domains
which are older than 60 days after their creation date (this can be viewed through
the WHOIS) Furthermore you can only transfer domains which are not on LOCK (also
viewable through the WHOIS)
What is an authorization code?
The so called authorization code is some kind of security key to prevent unauthorized
transfers. If a domain name should be transfered you always need an authorization
code. The code must always be requested at your current registrar.
Where can I find the authorization code for my domain name?
You can easily obtain the EPP authcode of your domain as follows:
- log in your customer account under with your Username and Password.
- Under Domainadmin click on the domain name and click on Get authcode
What do I have to do in case of a failed or canceled transfer?
There can be a few different reasons why a domain transfer can fail or be canceled.
Principally conatct the current domain Providor/Registar soon as possible, to find
out more about the reasons for the failure.
Should the transfer faile in our system, you will automatically receive a notification
via e-mail.
How can I enter URL Forwarding?
In Order to forward a domain to another already existing domain please procced as
- Log in your customer account at
- enter Domain Admin.
- click on the affected domain.
- A new window will be shown where you finde the link URL-Forwarding.
Verify that the following Name Servers of the domain name are the following:
- DNS1:
- DNS2:
Among this point you can enter the domain name where the domain should be forwarded
Please make sure you save the information with the "submit" button.
Please notice, that the update of the URL forwarding can (depending on the domain)
may take a few hours.
Update Whois
The Whois Data of your domain/s can be cahnged/updated at any time.
- Log into your account with username and password.
- Enter Domain Admin and click on affected domain you wish to update.
- the resulting page you may select any of the following tabs
CONTACT, CHANGE BILLING CONTACT. Click on the appropiate tab and follow instructions
Alternatively, you can click on CHANGE ALL CONTACTS tab in order to update at once
all contact types with same information, then click on SUBMIT button.
Update/register NS
Please also note that nameservers can only be added for domains which are under
our control.
- Log into your account with username and password.
- Enter Domain Admin and click on affected domain you wish to update.
- the resulting page you may select any of the following tabs
Here you are able to add nameservers at your domain name such
as Please also note that nameservers can only be added for domains
which are under our control.
How can I lock my domains?
If you would like to place a domain name on lock (for example to block unauthorized
domain name transfers) please proceed as follows:
Select the domain name you would like to place the lock on, in your
account by selecting the check box on the left side of the domain. Please be aware
that a lock can only be set on a generic root domain (e.g. com/net/org/info/biz/name)
- not on a subleveldomain (e.g.
Then please select the command "Lock selected domain" from the drop down command
box and click "Submit". Locked domain names will be marked with a small lock icon
on the right. Be aware that with some TLDs a lock also implies that no nameserver/whois
updates can be made to that domain name while locked. If you would like to remove
the lock please proceed accordingly but chose the command "Unlock selected domain"
from the command box.
Which methods of payment do we offer?
Credit Card payment
Bank transfer
1) Credit Card payment
We accept the following credit cards:
American Express ; Mastercard/Isracard
; Visa
2) Bank transfer
Please use the following bank account for the bank transfer:
CommuniGal Communication Ltd.
Bank Leumi Le-Israel
Branch no. 934
Account no . 609700/26
Bank - Chase CHASUS33XXX
Bank Address:
63 Hertzel st, Rishon Lezion Israel
Bank phone: +972 3 9682278
Please always declare your user-ID and the matter you are paying for!
Problems by using the credit card
In case of having problems with debiting your credit card you will directly receive
an error message via Email. Please be so kind and contact us if you should receive
such a message.
I need an Invoice
Should you require an invoice, please contact us at [email protected]